Booking Qualified Appointments for MSP's and MSSP's - that show up!

If you are an MSP or MSSP, we know lead generation is an area where help is welcomed. At Resonant Impact Systems, we do it different. We qualify the leads, we book the leads, and we will even close the deals if you like. Let us know what you need.

Creating Success and Growth for MSP's and MSSP's

If you're reading this, I know you would like to expand and scale your MSP. You've come to the right place.

I am taking my years of industry experience in MSP sales (and ownership) and bringing my results to your business. I've developed and tested systematic cold outreach techniques down to a science to hit production numbers every time. At Resonant we are hunters, not farmers (don't worry, we are nice hunters with excellent manners).

I can of course work on your warm leads or referral business, but let us penetrate your market and book fresh appointments for you. And if you'd like, let us be your hotshot closers. We know you would like some more MRR.

I invite you to download my Prospecting How-To Guide for an insight into successful MSP prospecting methods. These are methods I have personally used to hit my targets!

Happy hunting!


Cold Outreach

My team is reaching out to your targeted regions through various cold channels, targeting your specific client fit. We will use a curated stack of tools and methodologies to achieve this. But mainly, we put the work in. We are getting Decision makers on the phone, getting them into two-way communication and qualifying them for the next step. Even if they don't book an appointment, the volume of outreach alone will help your business.

Qualified Booked Appointments - that actually show up

This is the real goal here - to book a Discovery Call with a new prospect who actually shows up to that call. My team can attend this Discovery Call and qualify the prospect further, gather requisite data, and establish crucial rapport to get them snugly fit into the pipeline into a live deal. Or, we can hand the call over to your team. Either way, it's a win-win.

NO contract. NO paying for unproductive leads.

There is no "contract" for our services that locks you in to a termed commitment. You can use us then leave us if you would like at any time. We are not just a lead generation company, because we take it multiple steps beyond that. We guarantee the appointments.


Choose Your Service

Appointment setting


  • Cold outreach done for you

  • 4 Qualified Booked MSP appointments

  • No show = does not count

  • No contract. Guaranteed delivery.

No contracts - cancel anytime

plus discovery call


  • 4 Qualified Booked MSP Appointments

  • Discovery call held for you

  • Prospect handed over to your team

  • No contract. Guaranteed delivery.

No contracts - cancel anytime

How we are Booking your MSP Discovery Calls


What do you mean by "Qualified Booked Appointments"?

Our definition of qualified is a) a client fit for you, b) has a current or near-future need (next couple months) and is expressing interest and c) is a service you can deliver. If one of our appointments shows up and is does not fit this definition, it does not count as an appointment.

How do you work alongside my company?

We are not involved in your business other than doing above services for you, letting you to run your business. All of our outbound is done representative of your company, i.e. potential leads will not be getting calls or emails from our company. You will be onboarded onto our platform to allow us to start working to get you appointments. We are up and running in the first day.

Do you provide any other services, like consulting, sales training, digital marketing, etc?

We do not currently offer other services but are developing them for future release. Just tell us what you need, and we will help get the right person to help you

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

Assistance Hours:

Mon – Fri 9:00am - 5:00 PM

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (727) 615-4004